Barrett Seaman | The Hudson Independent | Sept. 16, 2022

They show up on your doorstep, ask­ing about your voter reg­is­tra­tion sta­tus. If you have re­cently moved (which, chances are, they al­ready know), they will ask if you are still reg­is­tered to vote in your pre­vi­ous lo­ca­tion. Ac­cord­ing to the pro-democ­racy group Com­mon Cause, they of­ten pre­sent them­selves as of­fi­cial elec­tion work­ers, “claim­ing vot­ers are il­le­gally reg­is­tered to vote af­ter mov­ing, tar­get­ing peo­ple who have moved from one county to an­other, claim­ing that their crime is to be reg­is­tered in two dif­fer­ent coun­ties.”

“In 13 coun­ties across the state,” re­ports Su­san Lerner, Ex­ec­u­tive Di­rec­tor of Com­mon Cause New York, “strangers have knocked on vot­ers’ doors to ques­tion the vot­ers about their reg­is­tra­tion sta­tus. Many, but not all, are re­ported to have been im­per­son­at­ing elec­tion of­fi­cials.” 

While there have not been in­ci­dents re­ported in Westch­ester to date, the group sus­pected of or­ga­niz­ing this, New York Cit­i­zens Au­dit, has filed pa­pers in the county al­leg­ing im­pro­pri­ety in the vot­ing rolls. Ac­cord­ing to county De­mo­c­ra­tic Party chair Suzanne Berger, they have ap­peared at vil­lage board meet­ings in Ard­s­ley and Scars­dale….