“Among his proudest achievements is the founding of the Yonkers Drug Court. He was an active member of many organizations and was proud to have served on many, many Boards. He is the only person in history to hold the title of Grand Marshall at both of the Yonkers St.…Read More
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Obituary: https://www.edwardsdowdle.com/obituaries/Anne-Wheeler-2/#!/Obituary
Obituary: https://www.coxeandgraziano.com/obituaries/Thomas–J–Lavan?obId=22895620#/celebrationWall)
Irving O. Farber, a longtime resident of Mount Kisco and Bedford, died on Aug. 22. He was 79.
Shirley Samuels Stone died peacefully at Fairfield County House in Stamford, CT on August 22, 2021. She was 89 years old.
Mt. Pleasant Chair Bruce Campbell and his daughter Devan are establishing an award in memory of Margo, their wife and mother who passed away suddenly and unexpectedly in June 2021. Margo was an active parent in the schools. The Margo Jossem Campbell Memorial Award, a cash award of at least…Read More
Longtime District Leader, 95th AD representative, and dear friend Matilda Gilbert passed away on April 19 from COVID. The committee has changed a great deal since I joined it nearly 10 years ago, but Matilda was a constant and I will miss her. —Maria Slippen, Chair, Cortlandt Democrats
Welcome to Westchester’s newest future Democrat, Leo Imamura, and congratulations to your parents, David Imamura and Kate Farley!